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Vacature details

FunctieSales Consultant Germany

Will you be one of the driving forces behind the international development & growth of our client?

Our client is a specialist in AED’s, first aid and emergency products. They operate all over Europe and will expand in the coming years. They want to be the leader in the European market. To achieve this goal they need someone who can connect with potential clients, and has great communication skills and a commercial mindset.

What will you do as a Sales consultant?

Together with colleagues from the sales team, you will be responsible for selling AED’s, first aid and emergency products in Europe. You will mainly focus on the German-speaking markets.

You will attract new partnerships with potential clients, while maintaining and improving relationships with existing clients. Your goal is to further expand our market share with a passion for strategy to plan and pave the way to success.

Your tasks will include:

- With your great analytical skills, you overview the clients’ needs and market demands to strengthen your sales position;
- Managing clients and products in the webshop;
- Creating and following up on newsletters with the team;
- Actively looking for and proactively approaching new clients;
- You will follow the lifecycle of the sale, including drafting up proposals and following up together with the client;
- Occasionally visiting clients or fairs.

Who are we looking for?

A team player with a ‘Can do’ attitude! Someone who is energetic, enthusiastic, who has strong attention to detail and even better communication skills. Every day is different, so we need someone who is up for the challenge.

Your qualifications at a glance:

- You have an excellent command of the German and English language in speech and writing. Understanding of Dutch is an advantage;
- You have a great sense of responsibility and a real drive for sales;
- You have obtained a relevant Bachelor or Master degree;
- You can work well independently as well as in a team;
- You are a strong communicator and you know how to communicate with different stakeholders;
- You are energetic, proactive and results-driven;
- You have at least 2-3 years of experience in a similar commercial position.

Uren per week32.00

What can you expect from the client?

They are a fast-growing international company, and are looking for the next team member to grow with them! They would like to see you succeed so conversations about personal growth are definitely on the table.

You will be working at the office in Middelburg, where you will find a friendly and collegial working atmosphere. There are also opportunities to work from home and you will be trained extensively.

- Contract with the client;
- Starting salary to be agreed based on your experience and education. You will also receive 8% holiday allowance, 4% pension contribution and an optional bonus.
- Fun activities with the team;
- Every week, a tasty lunch for our colleagues;
- An annual CPR training and opportunities to develop yourself through a course or training;
- The opportunity to make use of ‘Bedrijfsfitness’ and a bicycle plan;

Are you excited to start your commercial career with a fast growing international company? Apply through the form below! Do you have questions? Send an email to aranya@theworkzone.nl or contact 06-43442121!

Mijn gegevens / My details
Aangeven van je geslacht is verplicht / Indicating your gender is mandatory
Invullen van je voorletters is verplicht / Entering your initials is required
Invullen van je voornaam is verplicht / Entering your first name is required
Invullen van je voornaam is verplicht / Entering your first name is required
Geldig e-mail adres is verplicht / Valid email address is required
Geldig mobieltelefoonnummer is verplicht / Valid mobile number is required
Er is geen document geselecteerd of het geselecteerde document is ongeldig / No document has been selected or the selected document is invalid
Adres / Address
Geldige straatnaam is verplicht / Valid street is required
Geldige huisnummer is verplicht / Valid house number is required
Geldige postcode is verplicht / Valid postcode is required
Geldige plaats is verplicht / Valid city is required
Geldige plaats is verplicht / Valid city is required
Overige / Other
Graag lezen we jou vraag of opmerkingen / Happy to read your question or comments

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  The Work Zone is er niet alleen voor pas afgestudeerden, maar ook voor werkzoekenden met ervaring die vanuit een werkende situatie op zoek zijn naar hun "droombaan".  

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The Work Zone B.V.

Edisonweg 4
4382 NW Vlissingen

+31 (0)118 479 207

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